Domino World Records
Dominoes FAQ

For many years, the Guinness Book Of World Records has been the repository for weird and wonderful records, including the following domino-related world records:
- Single-Handed Domino Toppling - The greatest number of dominoes set up single-handed and toppled is 303,621 out of 303,628 by Ma Li Hua (China) at Singapore Expo Hall, Singapore on August 18, 2003. The event was organised by LG Electronics Inc.
- Most Dominoes Toppled By A Group - The record for the most dominoes toppled is 3,847,295 (from a possible 4,000,000). The attempt was organised by Endemol Netherlands and took place at FEC EXPO, Leeuwarden, Netherlands, on 15 November 2002, as part of Domino Day 2002.
- Domino Stacking On Single Piece - Matthias Aisch (Germany), successfully stacked 726 dominoes on a single supporting domino on December 28, 2003. The stack remained standing for an hour.
- Longest Human Domino Line - On September 30th, 2000, 9234 students aged 18-21 from NYAA Poly Connects formed a human domino chain stretching 4.2 km (2.6 miles) across Siloso Beach, Sentosa Island, Singapore.
- Oldest Competitive Dominoes Player - Alf Hill, born in 1908, is the world's oldest competitive dominoes player. He plays for the Jolly Carter pub team and has been a member of the Lowton and District Darts and Dominoes League, for over 25 years. Alf is a retired miner.
The International World Record Breakers' Club is another organization that keeps track of all sorts of off-the-wall records, including:
- Solo Record For Most Dominoes Toppled In A Chain Reaction - 303,621 dominoes toppled by Ma Li Hua of China, on 16 Aug 2003, in Singapore.
- Team Record For Most Dominoes Toppled In A Chain Reaction - 3,992,397 dominoes toppled by Weijers Domino Productions at the Domino Day "Challenge", on 12 Nov 2004 in Leeuwarden, Netherlands.
- Brick Domino Toppling - On 17 January 2004, at the opening of the Weser tunnel in Germany, a brick toppling record was set when approximately 1,500 volunteers built a line of bricks (weighing 2 kg each) from Bremerhaven to Nordenham, a distance of almost 27 km [16.78 miles]. 250,000 bricks were set and toppled successfully.
- Domino Toppling Spanning Six Continents - On May 9, 1986 the Hemophilia Association domino toppling team toppled 300,000 dominoes in a satellite linked event spanning six continents. Starting in Atlanta, the chain reaction continued through Rio de Janeiro, London, Nairobi, Tokyo, Sydney, finishing back in Atlanta. The first domino at each site was triggered by an electronic signal relayed from a switch activated by the last domino at the prior site.
Notes: All records are copyright Guinness World Records and The International World Record Breakers' Club, as of June 2005.