Tiddly-Wink Domino Rules
How To Play Tiddly-Wink Dominoes
Number Of Players: Best for 6-9
Domino Set Required: Double-Six
Tiddly-Wink is a variation of Block Dominoes, and plays the same except that a player playing a double may play another tile before ending his turn. It is also very similar to Tiddle-a-Wink, which typically uses a double-nine domino set.
Tiddly-Wink works well with a large number of players.
After shuffling the dominoes, each player draws three tiles to make up their hand. The remainder of the tiles remain in the boneyard and are not used.
- The player holding the highest double places the first domino.
- Each player must either play or pass; tiles may not be drawn from the boneyard.
- There is only one open end, on the last tile played.
- Anyone playing a double (including the first tile of the hand), may play again if able. Playing a tile after a double is not mandatory - the player may pass if he wishes.
- Play proceeds to the left (clockwise).
Ending A Hand
A hand ends either when a player plays all his tiles, or when a game is blocked, at which time the lightest hand wins.
Tiddly-Winks is often played as a wagering game. Each player places a bet before the start of a hand, and the winner gets the pot.
- Rather than limiting the initial draw to 3 tiles, the entire set is evenly distributed to all players (this may leave some tiles in the boneyard).
- Tiddle-a-Wink