Rules To Other Domino Games
While offers rules to all of the most popular and widely-played domino games, there are many other domino games. Some of these are obscure, some are less-popular variations of the standard games, and some of these are up-and-comers that haven't yet made up to the big leagues.
- Add-Em-Up 50
- Auction Draw
- Austrian Dominoes
- Baronet
- Basic Draw Poker
- Bead Game
- Bisley
- Bingo
- Bullfighting
- Canton
- Challenge
- Collecting Dominoes
- Cross Dominoes
- Cuban Dominoes
- Dice and Dominoes
- Disputing Tens
- Divide and Conquer
- Domino Cribbage
- Domino Euchre
- Domino Loo
- Domino Pinochle
- Domino Poker
- Domino Pool
- Dominoids [PDF]
- Domult
- Double Draw
- Double Takes
- Double-Hand Dominoes
- Doubles
- Eighty
- Eighty-Eight
- Eighty-Four
- Eleven Point Black Tile
- Fair Lucy
- Fishing
- Five-Up
- Five-Up Solitaire
- Fortress
- Fours
- Freeze Out
- Gin Rummy
- Go Fish
- Good Neighbors
- Hearts
- High Fives
- Homo Homini Lupus
- Horse Race
- Hungarian Dominoes
- Italian Dominoes
- Kardinal Domino
- Leyden
- Ley Lines [PDF]
- Latin American Match Dominoes
- Linger Longer
- Luzon
- Magic 7
- Maltese Cross
- Merry-Go-Round
- Mexican Flip
- Nel-O
- Network
- Nos
- Old Maid
- One-Arm Joe
- Pass
- Pawns Crossing [PDF]
- Patience
- Pip
- Plunge
- Polka Dots
- Puerto Rican Dominoes
- RaceHorse
- Reveille
- Rummikub Dominoes
- Sedma
- Seven Rocks
- Seven-Toed Pete
- Sevens
- Seventy-Nine
- Slosh
- Spades
- Spinner
- Spoiler
- Squeeze
- Stack
- Straight Dominoes
- Stratego
- Stretch
- Super Dominoes
- Super Train
- Sympathy
- Texas 88
- That's It
- The Big Clock
- The Buccaneer
- The Jubilee
- The Passing Game
- The Sultan
- Three Dozen
- Threes and Fives
- Twenty-One
- Traffic
- Tug of War
- TWISTER: Dragon Dance
- Wildstar
- X-domino